knowledge since then made a thorough revision absolutely necessary. This work I have done to the best of my ability. I trust that in its present form the book may commend itself not only to my missionary brethren at large but also to Muslim readers.

When the book is translated into oriental languages, this should be done under careful and scholarly supervision. Otherwise serious errors will occur, as they did in the old Urdu version. For example, the word 'holy', as applied to God, alike in Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Urdu, should be rendered by قدوس. In the Urdu we generally find مقدس, a term which can be properly applied only to a creature. This and the frequent use of words not considered elegant are apt to give the work a vulgar and unpolished style, which convey to the reader quite a wrong impression of its value.

It will be noticed that I have given St. Paul's testimony to Christ's Deity separately from that of the earlier Apostles, because of Muslim prejudice against him. I have, however, shown that the other Apostles agree with his teaching on this point.


November, 1911.





PRAISE be to the only true God, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords: who only hath immortality, dwelling in light unapproachable; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power eternal. Amen.

In the next place be it known that God Most High, who is Omnipresent though invisible, who is, Eternal and Perfect, All-Wise, All-Holy, Almighty,, and All-Good, has revealed Himself to His servants, the children of men, and of His great mercy and loving kindness has vouchsafed to draw nigh to them and has desired to lead them to Himself. On this account He has sent them prophets, by whose means He has bestowed upon them His holy word (كلام).

The thing, therefore, which is most of all desirable and necessary in this world for those people who seek the truth and desire to approach unto God, is, through recognition of the true prophets,