157. M. The proof of these doctrines is that they have been revealed by God to us; therefore we believe in them.

C. The proof of the doctrine of the Trinity too is found in the Bible, therefore we believe it to be true. God has revealed it through the prophets and apostles, and especially through Jesus Christ. His character, His fulfilled prophecies, His noble teaching, His miracles, and the fulfilment of His promises to every one who comes to Him in faith—as we know from personal experience—all these prove the truth of His claims. These claims involve the doctrine of the Trinity.

158. M. What the Qur'an says about Him is sufficient for us, and involves no such doctrine.

C. In Surah IV., An Nisa', 169, Christ is called "His Word," that is, God's Word (كَلِمَتُهُ Kalimatuhu, that is, كلمةُ الله Kalimatu'llah). The Arabic shows that it means "the Word of God," not "a Word of God" (كلمةُ الله , not كلمة من كلمات الله ). Now what does that imply?

159. M. It is a mere title, nothing more. So Abraham is called "the friend of God" (خليلُ الله Khalilu'llah) in the Qur'an, and we call Moses "He that talked with God" (كليمُ الله Kalimu'llah).

C. A title is either rightly or wrongly given. The title "Shah of Persia," if given to you, does not express the truth; but if given to Muzaffaru'ddin Shah it does state a fact. Who gives to


Jesus in the Qur'an the title of "the Word of God"?

160. M. God Himself.

C. You call God "the Truth" (الحقّ Al Haqq), and rightly. Is He speaking the truth when He calls Christ "the Word of God," as He does not only in the Qur'an but in the Bible (John i. 1, 14; Rev. xix. 13)?

161. M. Of course: God cannot speak falsely.

C. Then we conclude that Christ is really "the Word of God." Now what does Word (كلمة Kalimah1 = Λογος ) mean,—your word, or any one's word? What is its office and object?

162. M. It expresses what is in the mind of the speaker, if he be truthful. It may be spoken, written, or expressed by signs, or in other ways.

C. A word is thus an expression of the mind or thought. If Christ were a Word of God (كلمةٌ من كلمات الله ), He would be merely one expression of

1 The Arabic term كلمة expresses λογος or "Sermo" fairly well, as it means a word not as to its oral utterance but as to its meaning—an expression, a speech, and so on. Arabic scholars will notice that, while كملةٌ من كلمات الله would mean "a Word of God," the term كلمةُ الله means ο Λογος του θεου . In the following argument this difference is dwelt upon.
The Arabic for "Word of God" as applied to the Bible (Surah II., 70) is not the same: it is
كلام الله , not كلمة الله .
Some missionaries argue similarly from the title "Spirit of God" (
روح الله ) given by Muhammadans to Christ. But in the Qur'an He is not so called, but only "a spirit from Him" (Surah IV., 169).